valuable adj. 1.有价值的。 2.贵重的,宝贵的。 3.可评价[估价]的。 n. 〔常 pl.〕贵重物品。 valuable papers 有价证券。 adv. -ably ,-ness n.
discovery n. 1.发见,发现,发觉。 2.〔古语〕显示,暴露,显露。 3.(剧情的)发展。 4.被发现的事物。 5.【法律】(审判前当事一方必须作出的)显示证据。 discovery ship 探险船。 make many discoveries about the heavenly bodies 在天体方面有许多新发现。
Of course the most valuable discoveries were kept secret as far as possible 当然,最有价值的发明人家是保密的。
On specific implementation about the three sectors , in view of the phenomenon of theory , that is , put the construction and aesthetics as the foundation of theory , and tracing it back to the source and development from chinese ancient theory of reading . on practice discussion , we put forward the whole conception and practical solution circling around the three sectors by combining with one ' s education practice , making use of new thought of reading theory abroad and analyzing the valuable discovery on creative education in china 对这三个环节的具体实施上,针对阅读教学基础理论薄弱的现象,本文首先从理论的高度观照其实践意义,即以建构主义和接受美学理论作为理论基础,并从中国古代阅读理论中追溯其源头及发展;在实践探讨上,结合自身教学经验,借鉴了近年来国外阅读教学中的新思想,分析了我国在创新教育中进行的有益探索,围绕这三个环节,提出了进行创造性阅读能力培养总体设想及实施建议。